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Upgrade Semesterticket

Semesterticket - Upgrade to the Deutschlandticket
 The Deutschlandticket will be launched on May 1. Students have the possibility to upgrade their semester ticket accordingly. Here you will find the most important questions and answers.


Is my semester ticket still valid?
Yes, you can continue to use your semester ticket as usual. The upgrade is voluntary and only valid in combination with the semester ticket and a photo ID.


Do the conditions of the Semesterticket or the Deutschlandticket apply?
If you decide to upgrade, you will use the conditions of the semester ticket within the area of validity of the semester ticket. If you use the ticket outside the area of validity of the semester ticket, the conditions of the general Deutschlandticket apply.


How does the upgrade work?
The upgrade costs 17,67 Euro/month and you can book it monthly. To do so, you use the following link/QR code that is especially valid for the University of Applied Sciences Hamburg.

Important: Do not use the link/QR code of another university, otherwise the ticket might not be recognized.


Until when do I have to book/cancel the ticket?
From now on you can purchase the subscription for the SemesterTicket Upgrade for the current month throughout the month (not just until the 5th of the month).
Please note: the ticket is charged in full and not proportionately and is valid until the end of the current month (if you book the upgrade on May 28th, it is valid until May 31st and costs the full upgrade price, i.e. €17.67).

Important: It is a subscription and will be renewed automatically for the next month. If you want to use the upgrade only for the one month, you have to cancel it until the 10th of the corresponding month.

Improvements to these periods are currently under consideration. If there are any changes, you can find them here.


How much does the upgrade cost?
The upgrade of the Semesterticket costs 17,67 Euro per month. The current payment methods are credit card and SEPA direct debit.
Update: The payment options PayPal and credit card will be available shortly.


Do I have to download an app for the upgrade?
The upgrade is only available digitally, but there is no need to download an app. The link/QR code will take you to a web portal where you can purchase the upgrade. You can either save the corresponding confirmation as a favorite in the browser or store it in a wallet app.

Note: A printout/scan or other analog copies/proof of the upgrade will not be accepted by the control authorities.


I can get a cheaper Deutschlandticket through an employer. Can I waive the semester ticket?
The city of Hamburg does not currently have a regulation for these cases. In exceptional cases, the semester ticket can be refunded. Via the following link you can see the refund criteria and also submit an application:

I have problems with the direct debit procedure. What can I do?
Please contact logpay directly here: 061968012702 They must then activate you for the payment process. 

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