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Peer-to-peer advisory services, assistance and discussion evenings

Peer-to-peer - advice, guidance and group services

Support from students for students. This is the idea behind Peer-to-Peer. The offer is aimed at students with psychological problems or chronic illnesses that have an aggravating effect on their studies. We are a team of students, some of whom are affected themselves, from all faculties.

This is what we offer you:

Counseling and support

he open consultation hours take place at Stiftstraße 69, room 37//38 on the first floor. (Directions: https://www.haw-hamburg.de/Wegbeschreibung-Studieren-mit-Beeintraechtigung)

You can visit us there during office hours without an appointment. In addition, individual appointments are also possible at other locations. There is also a telephone consultation time.  Counseling concerns can be: semester planning, learning techniques, organization of everyday study, disadvantage compensation, financing, semester off and re-entry, conversation and exchange of experiences, your own handling of the disease in contact with fellow students and teachers, mediation, etc. All conversations are confidential.

All conversations are treated confidentially.

The support is an extension of the counseling service. Students who have an additional need for support after or during a phase of illness or for other reasons can have this covered by student support.


Group offerings

Our group offerings are there to exchange ideas with other affected students. We want to connect students beyond their own department. The groups are moderated by two peers and take place twice a month.


Dialogue evening for students with psychological stress or illnesses

At the dialogue evening, you can exchange ideas with other affected students in a protected environment. There is room for everything that is bothering you at the moment, open ears, support and new suggestions through the experiences of the other participants. You can make contacts outside your department, get to know and represent your rights at the university and receive information about additional support options.


Autism Experience Exchange

For students on the autism spectrum, everyday study is marked by additional challenges. It takes a lot of attention and energy to interpret other people's social cues, and a different filtering of stimuli leads to sensitivity to noise or light. This can lead to difficulty concentrating, difficulty socializing, tension in public, and exhaustion.

Do you know this? Would you like to meet others who feel the same way? We meet every two weeks for a facilitated sharing of experiences. There we talk about interaction with teachers and fellow students, how to deal with unstructured situations, our daily study routine and anything else that is on our minds.

This offer is not limited to HAW Hamburg. Those affected from all Hamburg universities are welcome.


Open meeting for chronically ill students

Sometimes life throws stones in your path, and sometimes entire boulders. A chronic illness, such as rheumatism, a chronic inflammatory bowel disease or multiple sclerosis, can be one of these. It allows you to rest from time to time, but often comes back just when you need it most. During a relapse you are impaired in many areas. Studying can also become more complicated, and you may sometimes wish that you just wanted to study like everyone else. You are not alone in this.

At the Open Meeting for chronically ill students, we offer you space for all your experiences, questions and concerns about living and studying with a chronic illness. In addition, you have the opportunity to exchange ideas with other students who have a similar experience. Topics can be, for example, attendance requirements, extension and planning of studies, compensation for disadvantages and dealing with the disease in everyday university life.


Dates, team and contacts:
updated on: 01.12.2022

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